Happy Clients

"I first met AJ in October of 2011. I had been doing some exercise at home which mostly consisted of running on a treadmill but was frustrated with the lack of results I was seeing. My main goal was to lose weight after gaining 40+ pounds with my second child.  I had never worked with a personal trainer before although I had a number of DVDs that I would do at home. I realized however that finding the motivation was difficult and I was really bored with the same old thing. Meeting AJ was a life changing experience! I learned so much about the myths of exercise and “over-exercising,” the importance of proper nutrition, listening to my body and respecting my body understanding what I was capable of while also recognizing that I was much stronger than I thought I was. I am proud to say that I lost 20 pounds, 10.8 inches and 5% body fat! I’m able to run 6 miles in 1 hour and can do more push ups than I ever thought I could! The best part of this journey has been my renewed sense of self, increased energy and passion for healthy living and eating. I had no idea how much this could impact a life! I am mother to two children under the age of four with boundless energy. It means everything to me to be able to keep up with them and most importantly to be there for them for as long as I can.  I am constantly looking to AJ for new challenges and she never fails. She comes up with new workouts that take me right to that point where my adrenaline is pumping and I push myself. Her energy is captivating and contagious. AJ also makes sure that I am changing my workouts often enough so that I am addressing whatever new goals I want to reach whether it’s a target area or something I want to accomplish like running a 5K in under 30 min. Mentally, I’m at one of the happiest points in my life. My new lease on life has changed my thinking. I’m much more positive now and motivated to take on challenges without getting so stressed out. And if I do find myself getting stressed out, I have a wonderful outlet....an AJ workout! 

Recently, I’m on a mission to spread the word about AJ and the power of healthy eating and exercise. I tell anyone that will listen. It’s almost like a fountain of youth that is right in front of all of us and with such an inspirational leader available to me and my neighbors, the limits are beyond the sky!” -Claudia Tobon.  

"AJ was the best trainer I have ever had, and helped me change my lifestyles in ways I never could have imagined. Prior to meeting her, I had limited experience in work-out classes. I joined her outdoor fitness program, and expected to only attend the first session. After the first session ended, I noticed a change in my body and spirit. I continued to attend every session that was offered and by the end of the summer I felt stronger, leaner, healthier and had developed more confidence in my ability to take on challenges. AJ's easy going nature, helped beginners, like myself, feel accepted and motivated. I sincerely looked forward to her classes every week. I can't recommend AJ or thank her enough for her positive influence and amazing personality. Thank you so much AJ!" - Ashley H. Portsmouth, NH

AJ runs a fun and challenging workout and does a great job making sure you are using good form and working really hard.  She is a true professional.
— Marcus O'Neil
You are seriously the best trainer of all.
— Henrike Z.

"Aj Govoni is the only trainer I will get up for to work out at 6:30am! Aj's boot camps were very challenging but Aj always made me feel like I could do it. Aj has amazing energy about her which inspires me to work hard and follow her advice on healthy living. I know how busy AJ is but she would always take the time to talk with me after a class, whether it was just to catch up or on what I should have to eat pre workout. The point is, whatever it was Aj would never make me feel rushed and that meant a lot to me. Aj created a helpful facebook page where anyone taking her boot camps could post questions and Aj would promptly get back with advice. She would also post other work outs that would compliment our boot camps. Aj is great and I have recommended her to numerous people. I love hearing about her travels and how she makes it all work, she is truly inspiring!" -Britt Canner

"I LOVE AJ! I found my first class with Aj through Lululemon's Facebook page back in 2012. I took a couple of her complimentary classes and was immediately hooked. When she launched AJGOFIT and began her outdoor classes in 2013, I was beyond psyched! Aj's classes are challenging and very effective at helping you lose weight, tone up, and build strength. I lost ten pounds over the summer of 2013 by taking her classes three times a week! She has a passion for helping people achieve their goals and she brings so much energy, knowledge, and unique exercises to her classes that you can't help but feel motivated! Thank you Aj for being so fantastic! I'm looking forward to this season's a$$-kicking!"- Nicole M. 

AJ - Thank you for everything. I really enjoyed all of your classes and personal training sessions. Your classes were always challenging, but fun and well-planned. I was always amazed by your ability to alter the intensity of the exercises along with the level of the students. Your class was the highlight of my week. You gave me something to look forward to in my busy week. You taught me not only the fun of exercises but also the joy of learning. You’re wonderful.
— Kayoko, Exeter, NH

“As a disabled veteran that loves to stay active and outdoors, but with limitations because of the disability I went looking for something that would not only help  me stay in shape but improve my physical abilities and strengthen areas that I am no longer able to work out in the traditional ways. I found this with Aj of Aj Go Fit. Aj not only has different workout programs such as TRX, and boot camps, but these programs are challenging and fun, all the while being adaptive to the body and level of the person doing the exercise. Not only did my strength improve, so did my agility, and durability. Aj brings a level of humor, professionalism and inspiration that makes you want to go that extra mile. I will continue to attend her workout sessions and she has my highest recommendation for anyone looking to challenge themselves and take their body to the next level.” -David G.

"AJ is an amazing trainer. During a workout she pushes you to do your best while keeping the workouts intense. I always left the gym feeling like I had gotten the most out of my time. One of my favorite things about AJ is that she incorporates so much variety into a work out; one minute I would be doing push up with the TRX and the next I would be doing a squat on the BOSU. She works with you physically but also mentally and takes the time to talk and listen about what is working for you and what isn’t. If you want to focus on a type of training or a certain muscle group AJ keeps that in mind. I worked with AJ for 7 months and I became a completely different person mentally and physically and I owe so much of that to AJ. AJ is the best, hands down. No other trainer even compares. She is so motivating!" -Tegan M. 

I have taken many yoga/Pilates classes and BY FAR you are the BEST instructor yet!!!!
— Susan P.
Amazing workouts AJ! Your energy is inspiring and so motivating.
— Aly S.
What an amazing two months of sweaty Sundays. Thank you AJ! You seriously kick some mega-butt.

"Aj’s classes were absolutely unbelievable. I have always been someone who hiked and went to the gym but struggled with what to do besides cardio. I have never been into group classes but this was all girls and Aj made the workouts extremely fun! Every day was different and I saw a major change and improvement in my body after just one session. She showed a number of ways to work different parts of the body using bodyweight resistance and weights. She made adjustments when people struggled and was very attentive. I attended a full summer of sessions and have been lost without them since they ended! I can’t wait until she offers the classes again. She was absolutely amazing as an instructor and as a person! I could not recommend something more! " -Briggs, Portsmouth, NH.   

“I was in my best friend’s wedding last September and at my heaviest in weight. Having just graduated from college, I was in no shape to be a bridesmaid in a wedding. After the wedding I decided I wanted to get in shape- and this time I was serious. I committed myself to getting in shape, and the healthy way too, no more back and forth “miracle” diets that lasted for 2 weeks and then I would gain all the weight back. That is when I joined Thrive, and met my trainer, AJ Govoni. Without her dedication to doing what she loves, I would never be where I am today. I have lost 20 pounds and 18 inches since the day I was in that wedding- and I can say I now look forward to dressing up for special events. I feel comfortable in my own skin now, and am in the best shape of my life. I continued working with AJ for six months- and in those six months, as difficult as they could be, I jump started my whole new outlook on life. I now have the knowledge I need to make myself look and feel great, and I owe it all to AJ. Obviously there are days I struggle, but I now have the tools to be able to eat what I want and still maintain a healthy lifestyle. With the tips and sessions I have shared with AJ as a trainer, I no longer have to feel like a prisoner inside my own body. I now love exercising, eating healthy, and enjoying my life. I thank AJ for giving me my life back, and I look forward to what is in store for my future. My journey is not over, and I want to continue to do what is best for myself and for my body.” -Brianna L.

“If you are serious about reaching your next fitness level, AJ can take you there!” -Barbara Dempsey

“AJ is amazing. She was always the most encouraging person for us. She helped me feel so much better about myself and to be stronger." -Deb Clark

My goal was to feel like an athlete again, and I am finally feeling legit. Thank you for helping me to feel strong and capable again.
— Kyler R.B.